
diabetes and hypertension

Normal blood pressure criteria: systolic blood pressure lower than 130mmHg, diastolic blood pressure below 85 mm Hg.Due to the increase in blood pressure is difficult to directly feel, so it is important to measure blood pressure regularly.Only periodic measurements to record changes in blood pressure, the doctor will promptly discover the hypertension, and in the early stages of the disease to take the necessary intervention.
According to the 2000 World Health Organization released the blood pressure classification: the ideal systolic blood pressure should be for Ι120 (mmHg), diastolic blood pressure should be Ι80 (mmHg).The normal systolic blood pressure should be Ι130 (mmHg), diastolic blood pressure should be Ι85 (mmHg). If the systolic BP 130-139, diastolic 85-89 can be regarded as borderline hypertension.Systolic BP 140-159, diastolic 90-99 can be regarded as mild hypertension, systolic blood pressure 160-179 and diastolic blood pressure of 100-109. Would be deemed to moderate hypertension.
If you do not take treatment for high blood pressure, the consequences may become apparent after a few years. The more time passes, the higher the possibility of complications.Therefore, as soon as possible intervention in the treatment of hypertension is necessary. It is worth noting: the damage of an organ will also have adverse effects on other organ function.If there are other diseases such as diabetes co-exist without the appropriate treatment, the condition will deteriorate rapidly.Hypertensive patients not only should be directed medication, you should also go to the hospital on a regular basis for blood pressure measurement and control.
Diabetes and hypertension will be a dangerous duo.
When diabetes and hypertension along with diabetes will aggravate the damage of hypertensive disease on the health of patients.These two diseases, especially diabetes usually lead to serious overweight caused by the lack of long-term nutritional excess and extreme sports. The majority of people with diabetes are type 2 diabetes.The disease, known as adult diabetes is closely linked to people's lifestyles, therefore, be regarded as a rich man's disease, and patients with hypertension and diabetes risk of vascular disease and arteriosclerosis is twice that of simple hypertension.
Therefore, in the step-down at the same time must pay attention to the treatment of diabetes. If left untreated diabetes, the possibility of myocardial infarction and brain diseases will be greatly enhanced.Hypertensive patients should pay attention to protect the kidney for hypertension and diabetes is more important.

This text is from:http://www.diabetes-hypertension-hyperlipemia-tea.com/diabetes-and-hypertension.html

